
Stories from the Geltium Universe

Book synopsis

This will be a anthology book filled with short stories starting with a story that I wrote for 8th grade language class (with proper updates and editing, of course).


No release date at this time.

A Poetry & Photography Look Into the Natural World

Book synopsis : 

I will be using different style of photos and poetry in each section of this book. I will enjoy looking at nature through different lenses while summing it up through different styles of poetry.

Release : 

No release date at this time.

A Trip Through My Mind

Book synopsis : 

A book in which I plan to take you on a journey through my mind. A kind of autobiography using art, photography, short stories, and poetry. all the ways I see the world and the ways I interact with the world.

Release : 

No release date at this time.


Contact to get more information on the project. Add Project Aran Desmod, Please.

Geltium Socials


James' Socials
